Tenant improvement projects more closely resemble subcontracting projects than commercial ground up projects due to their much shorter time frames and limited subcontractor scopes. Tradewinds Construction, with its subcontracting-based business model, excels at delivering exceptional tenant improvement construction services and has successfully completed well over one thousand tenant improvement projects in the Las Vegas Valley over the past three decades.
In addition to the traditional bid/build tenant improvement services offered by Tradewinds Construction, we also provide preliminary space planning and estimating services to commercial property owners, expanding or relocating business owners, and real estate professionals long before leases have been signed. We also routinely provide the working drawings necessary for permit issuance for many of the projects that that we have been involved with.
Our General Contracting Division works hand-in-hand with our subcontracting divisions, so the majority of the work is performed by our own highly skilled workforce. This allows us to maintain high levels of excellence in providing quality services. Tradewinds Construction has everything you need, all in one place.
“Tradewinds has delivered projects ranging from $50,000 to over $1,000,000 within the time frames required and to a standard that is unparalleled. We here at IREPLV, LLC have complete trust in, and an enormous amount of respect for, Tradewinds Construction.”
Mike Young, President IREPLV, LLC.
C-3 27139A Carpentry unlimited
C-4a 46139 Painting limit five million
B 26746A General Building unlimited
A 77740 General Engineering unlimited