Tradewinds Construction has been providing Tenant Improvement Contracting services to the Las Vegas commercial marketplace for nearly three decades. Over the thousands of projects that we have completed along the way, we have identified solutions and pricing for virtually every design and construction-related challenge. We have now compiled the sum of all of this experience into a continuing education curriculum approved by the State of Nevada Real Estate Division titled “Tenant Improvements Made Easy: Seven Steps to a Successful Tenant Improvement.”
This three hour course is designed to assist commercial real estate and property management professionals by providing a comprehensive understanding of the tenant improvement process. This includes identifying building-related challenges that may be encountered, the options for solving these challenges, and the basic pricing information that may assist the real estate professional in establishing the construction budgets necessary for the tenant improvements prior to finalizing lease or sale negotiations.
This class is taught four times per year at GLVAR and provides three hours of continuing education credit for General Real Estate CE# 5821002 and Property Management CE# 5821001. Prospective attendees can contact GLVAR at (702) 784-5051 for registration information.
C-3 27139A Carpentry unlimited
C-4a 46139 Painting limit five million
B 26746A General Building unlimited
A 77740 General Engineering unlimited